We believe that humans are at their best when they are able to think differently and working collaboratively on shared interests.
That’s true for us – and for your workforce.
Our teams based in East Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, and the Americas comprise a spectrum of interdisciplinary experts in AI/ML, power electronics, control systems, mechanical engineering, system software, electronics, manufacturing, and marketing.
We are focused on solving one problem for you: How to make material movement workflows more productive and consistent.
At Ati Motors, we are constantly adapting and continually evolving.
We are focused on solving real-world problems even when it means venturing into uncharted territories. Innovation for us isn’t limited to our product, but across our business.
Our products and solutions are made for real world impact for our clients. We see every business deal as the beginning of a partnership that makes us both better at what we do.
We aim to be a partner who not only brings the technology but also understands and supports our customers' journey.
We are based in India, but we think globally.
Value-driven. Made-for-the-real-world. Frugal-engineering. Built-to-last. World-class.
These are not empty slogans; they are the bedrock of our approach to make a little go a long way.
“To help create a safer, smarter, and more productive world where robots perform mundane tasks, freeing humans to unlock and develop their full potential.”
To lead the way in creating and deploying robotics-based solutions for material movement operations in industry; starting with autonomous mobile robotics technology that are practical, safe, scalable, resilient, and low maintenance.